Sunday 2 May 2010


Extract from `Couch to Couch`

1978 February- I heard gunfire in the streets on my first night in Istanbul...

On my second night in Istanbul, I got married – I think.

1988 December- L held as a prisoner in Saddam`s Iraq for a month...

2003 November-20th-Massive bomb explosions at British Consulate itself and HSBC building ...

2005- Sitting safely in my semi-sheltered bungalow in Birkenhead, alone, free from the fear of being blown up or dying in an earthquake, I have my first panic attack!

My story on BBC-MY STORY...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Doreen, that's a brilliant achievement! Well done! You should be bragging about this more than you are, I think. It's a really good story, and having something published on the BBC website is ace!

    I wonder if you could post a small one or two line extract from the story in this post, along with the link. That gives people a little taster of the writing and entices them to click on the link to read more?

    Well done again! :)
