Wednesday 19 May 2010

Pyramids- East and West again

The Pyramids Birkenhead

The Pyramids Egypt

Why do we choose such exotic and eastern sounding names for places that are so obviously English?
So incongruous!
In particular `Mecca Bingo` Who thought that one up and more importantly WHY? What did they see as the connection?


  1. I know! When I first moved to Birkenhead I was struck by how odd the choice of name for the shopping centre is. It's not even as if it's housed in a pyramid shaped building.

  2. I love the way you are using pictures to work out your ideas about the Eat / West connections.

    I think you've got the makings of a really individual story - we're all writing about the same place, but no-one in the world is going to see it the same way as you do.

    Looking forward to reading it. Let me know if you need any help!

  3. I really love the connections your making between things. Some of them quite abstract, like the flags, but still very apparent. ie. Hard for us to spot but once you've used your skill and outlined the idea for us, then it's easy for the rest of us to follow.

    You probably find it very easy to see links inbetween the stories. Perhaps if you seen any links inbetween stories then you should point them out because you obviously have a natural talent for comparison and we may have not be able to see what you see.

    Love it.
