Thursday 13 May 2010

East and West (Differences and Similarities)

A country that historically was once a Christian Empire

A country that historically was once an Islamic Empire

Turkish flag ( red and white crescent)

English flag (red and white cross)

Both flags proclaim their religion

Mecca in Birkenhead ( a nationwide gambling establishment visited by hundreds of thousands of people of all religions throughout the year)

Mecca in Saudi Arabia (a holy place of pilgrimage visited by millions of Muslims only)

mecca or Mecca
1. noun any place of outstanding importance or significance to a particular group of people, especially one they feel they have to visit.

2. Joint capital (with Riyadh) of Saudi Arabia: birthplace of Mohammad: the holiest city of Islam containing the Kaaba. Pop: 965697 (1992).

Hi Elaine
As you can see I`ve been playing around with imaged and ideas.
Thanks again for your time and patience today!


  1. This looks interesting, great use of connections.

  2. Hi Doreen

    I love the two 'mecca' images - I wonder if you'd thought about using the word in your title? I think it really sums up the comparisons and contrasts you are making between the two places and telling us about your own personal experience of the Wirral through words and images.

    I loved listening to your story in the workshop - don't worry about how long it is, write it however long it needs to be and we can work out if it needs editing later.

    See you next week!

  3. Nice work! Well done for cracking it! I think the task for next week is to make a google map showing a route from Mecca to Mecca...! I really love the juxtaposition of images as well. Fantastic.

  4. I was thinking of calling my story
    `Towards Mecca via the Mersey`
    what do you think?
    ta for the comments.

  5. I think that's a great title. People won't know what it means until they read your story, but it hooks you in and makes you want to read on to find out what it means, if that makes sense.

    P.S I have left a comment for you on Dot's blog regarding the 'bins' next to your comments. Don't worry - everything's fine!

  6. you are very clever putting the 2 mecca in i am
    SO impressed with your photos and enjoyed your story very interesting and you have a really good storytelling voice all being well see you Thursday
