Saturday 8 May 2010

Story pics of shopping precinct


  1. Hi Doreen

    these are really great pictures - I will be posting the pictures that I took on the research trip on my blog soon, but they aren't as good as this!

    I think some of these are going to make a really good accompaniment to your story.

    Did you get the email that I sent about the next workshop?

    Your homework is to bring a printed out or hand-written version of the story you want included in the project - we're all going to work on them together and talk about editing. It doesn't matter if it isn't finished or is still a bit rough in places.

    Missed you at the field trip - I was exhausted when I got home!! See you soon.

  2. like your photos and look forward to hearing your story on THursday . I am very impressedwith the way you have managed your photos i am a million miles behind see you thursday as i am in much need of help

  3. Don't worry Louise - you'll get there in the end! If you bring your photographs and a hand-written version of your story, there are lots of people around who will help you do the rest.

    x J

  4. Hi Doreen,

    Great photos and I like how you've used them on the blog - like a visual journey through the shopping centre. Perhaps we could have a go at geolocating them...!

    I especially like the one of the statue in the church. I always see it when I'm on the bus to Liverpool and think that it looks strangely out of place. Also, the pics of the Early Learning Centre made me smile at the thought of you lugging trampolines across the ocean!

    See you tomorrow
